
The Age of Religious Conflict (2000 Years of Christ’s Power, vol. 4) is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Renaissance and Reformation were exciting times of learning and discovery—they pushed the boundaries of accepted thought. The repercussions of this, however, were that they left in their wake a period of universal uncertainty. The centuries-old status quo had been turned on its head. Nothing was stable anymore. Conflict ensued. The fourth volume of 2,000 Years of Christ’s Power spans from...

from 1621. All six were either Calvinists (like Davenant) or had Calvinist leanings. The French Reformed Church also commissioned four delegates to Dort, but King Louis XIII would not allow them to attend. The Synod of Dort proved to be a landmark event in the history of the Reformed faith. Its membership was overwhelmingly opposed to Remonstrant theology. When a large Remonstrant delegation arrived at Dort, only 13 named by the synod were allowed to appear—and not as delegates, but as plaintiffs
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